Saturday, March 18, 2017

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo

Dear Producer,
Let’s hope today’s contributions towards support of the show picks up substantiallyTomorrow’s show promises to be a winner. You are encouraged to subscribe to one of the many programs listed on the support page. The most popular being the $33.33 a month sustaining contribution which eventually leads to Knighthood in less than 3 years. Click here for that.

For creative one-time contributions of any amount and whatever you can afford, click here.
Tomorrow’s Show. You will hear a discussion about the Dimension B phenomenon and why it continues unabated. Every so often on Twitter, I will tweet or retweet something mildly political and agents of the alternate universe (which I call dimension B) will chime in with a snide comment that I must be a Trump supporter, which is a dangerous position in the state of California.

I may know this person and I jump over to their feed to see what’s what. Every single post is about Trump. One after another after another. The person looks obsessed and insane. All the funny gifs and YouTube videos and crazy one-liners that are all over social media are ignored. Instead it is Trump Trump Trump. All hateful and insulting. Endless
Here someone who actually hacked the McDonald's Corporate Twitter account. Instead of having fun offering free burgers or something positive they use the hack to attack Trump. Insane.
My wife says that on Facebook it is ruining her experience and she is now on the service less and less. (So there is a positive side to all this.) These services are at risk.

The other side, in dimension A, are just as bad if they get caught up in the debate as witnessed by some counter-puncher who sent an animated GIF to former NYT writer, who is Trump obsessed, Kurt Eichenwald. Kurt says he suffered an epileptic fit from it.

The story, outlined here in the Times, seems to be a set up for some crazy prosecution of the guy. Curiously Eichenwald is using the services of the Times attorney as a kind of independent prosecutor against the shmoo who sent the gif
Eichenwald (on left) is a regular Trump basher on CNN
The ramification of this plays right into the hands of those attacking freedom of speech which seems more and more doomed every day. What you will hear on No Agenda regarding this incident will be unlike anything you will hear anywhere else in the media.

This is only because there are no corporate overlords or corporate suits telling us what we cannot talk about because it goes against some corporate or advertising interests.

You must understand how important this freedom is for the show and for you. It only exists because you support the show with ongoing contributions. Please click here.and help this important work continue.
Your co-host,
John C. Dvorak
PS Checks are much appreciated and should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530
This stems from the Twitter account of Malik Obama, which is a hoot. A story about this appeared here and elsewhere.
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