Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No Agenda Newsletter

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Show 1234


Dear Producer,
Tomorrow is No Agenda show 1234, a monumental accomplishment and a numerologists dream come true. Help the show by choosing one of the three thematic donations from $1234 to $123.45 to  $12.34 by clicking here and choosing from the menu.

And, more importantly you can still contribute whatever you want with an open do-it-yourself contribution by clicking here. Your continued support is our lifeline.

FYI, 1234 is also an “Angel Number” you can read about it here. The Angel Number of Simplicity.
Angel Number image for 1234
Wait.. What? You mean to say most Angel numbers discourage improvemnet in Lifestyle?
Tomorrow’s show. You will hear about how the governors are now teaming up in various states to lift restrictions on businesses and travel. Also new information about the efficacy of Chloroquine which is still seen as oddball product Trump came across and is promoting. Even Tom Hanks came out saying he was given it in Australia and it was terrible. Well, it’s hardly some screwball idea if you read this NIH government paper from 2005! Linked below.
image of article
And Fauci and the other respected experts were unaware of this all along? Really?
This is a well-known product for this use. The media, which seems controlled by the toxic actors China and big pharma, should have been all over this is a positive way. But no, it interferes with the objectives of the drug companies which prefer proprietary and expensive products and vaccines. You can’t gouge Medicare and Medicaid with something cheap and readily available like this. Oh, and Trump promoted it, so it’s bad and dangerous by definition.

Shameful coverage. When will it end?
Guardian front page
The Sweden experiment of leaving the country running with precautions continues despite worldwide grousing. If Sweden floats through the pandemic with similar numbers as the nations who imposed lockdowns and probably ruined their economies and small businesses in particular, then there will be a lot of explaining to do. It will boil down, according to the M5M as something like, “Well Sweden is different.”
Street in Stockholm.
 looks pretty normal except for the one guy wearing nitrile gloves.
Meanwhile, in American political news,  everyone is all in for Joe Biden which is something to witness. Your No Agenda Show is on top of that too.
Rob Reiner tweet.
Is Reiner on to something or completely delusional if not insane.
And what does "full throated support" mean? Sounds lewd.
Know that your No Agenda Show is not swayed by the influence of the giant corporations, who are not your friend. This is because we are truly independent media only because of your sole support. Help today by contributing what you think the show is worth to you. Click here.
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
More 33's cropping up.
33's cropping up
This magic code number is everywhere.
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