Saturday, December 17, 2022

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


Decorative holly used as a design element or spacer
Low Donations, Please Help.
Keep No Agenda alive and please support No Agenda any way you can.
There are excellent ideas on the support page here.

No Agenda 1513

No Agenda Show 1513 Album Art

Cheap Fusion Energy Debunked!

When Will California Break?
Dear Producer,

When it comes to podcasts, you will not be able to identify any podcast that does what your No Agenda Podcast does: bring you an untarnished news analysis you will not get anywhere else. When No Agenda is gone, there will be nothing to replace it. The only way it works is with your personal and direct support. That way it cannot be corrupted by any outside commercial or government influence.

Donations are at record lows for December. Please help with a donation of any amount. Click here for the open-ended do-it-yourself donation.

Or become a specific Executive Producer for Show 1513. Click here for thatThis is a credit that sticks with you forever.

And finally, it’s a good time to become a Christmas Knight (ends Jan 1). Make it an insta-knight. Click here for that. You will not regret helping.
NO AGENDA is Your Genuine Independent Media
another copy of decorative holly used as a design element or spacer
Tomorrow's Show
We will update you on the latest baloney regarding Covid shot programs and the pushback. The continuing Ukraine conflagration with endless random Russian missile attacks or drone attacks continuing to rubbleize the country which is beginning to look like Iraq, Syria and Lebanon with heaps of rubble everywhere. Nobody seems to have the capability to negotiate an end to it.
Part of Ukraine showing buildings turned into rubble
Succession Talk
You’ll enjoy this story about how one California Country wants to start a new state. Inefficient California Democrat governance is beginning to wear thin.
Map showing relative location of San Bernadino County within California
Fusion Schmusion
And here is your breakdown of the bogus “ignition” story thrown out there by the Biden Administration. Thys whole thing in not even close to real, in any way.
Photo of LLB fusion chamber
Photo of device proves it is true.
Support No Agenda, the lifeline to reality. The show needs your help mopre than ever.  Here you can get news deconstructed without the normal interference of advertisers and media influencers, many of whom are subversive or corrupt to an extreme. This is made possible only by your direct support. That's how it is done. Help the show today.
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here for that.
It has superseded the once popular $11.11 month. More lucky numbers click here.
Most recently the show offered the $4 a week or 75-cents an hour subscription which has become very popular. Click here for that.
There is also the $50 a month Knighthood layaway for 20 months. Click here for that.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
The 2022 donation to celebrate this new era. Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite: "@dutytowarn" twitter account. The first tweet condemns anyone using Nazi comparisons followed by the same guy using Nazi comparisons himself.
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box 339
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