Saturday, April 22, 2023

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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No Agenda 1549

No Agenda Show 1549 Album Art.

The Blinken-Biden Scam

Laptop from Hell Won't Go Away
Dear Producer,

Today is the anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970. Time flies when you are celebrating the Earth. Most recently this has become Earth Week and Earth Month. Can Earth Year be far behind?

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Cartoon showing robots whipping humans. The situation is blamed on auto-crrrect.
Tomorrow's Show. Laptop Mania

Watching the mainstream corporate media willfully ignore the latest revelations about Joe Biden and the Hunter Biden laptop should make every American wary. The latest “news” is that behind closed doors, the CIA former deputy director, Michael Morell, testified that Biden and his then campaign staffer Anthony Blinken dreamed up the scheme to blame the laptop on the Russians. That phoney-baloney assertion was turned into a bullcrap document signed off by every brand name ex-spook such as Michael Hayden and others. This was then used as “proof” in the Biden-Trump debate.

The details of this ploy was revealed by Morell who could not bring himself to lie about it for the suggested rationale that Morell was promised the job as Head of the CIA and Biden never delivered. How this whole mess still managed to get past the mainstream media again this week is harder to fathom.

Photo of Anthony Blinken smiling.
Blinken from campaign staffer to Secretary of State overnight.

You might assume that the vaunted media was so embarrassed by the fact that they played their role as parrots for the whole scam. Or, just maybe, this still goes deeper and the media is still doing its job. This means an even bigger scheme is elusive.

You have to go back over two years to revisit the Hunter Biden laptop. The hard disk was copied and Rudy Giuliani got hold of the thing and was immediately “cancelled” with talk of how he'll be arrested any minute. For what? Nobody knew.

The real problem with the laptop were the videos that were quickly posted on the Internet along with most of the data and emails. This meant anyone with any gumption could find these and check it out for credibility. The videos variously showed Hunter stoned out of his gourd on crack cocaine, cavorting with various women. Why he filmed it was a mystery, but it was clearly him and he never denied it. Then the audience was subjected to his disgusting and seemingly endless masturbatory practices. All on video.

Image of Hunter Biden -- in state of undress -- taken from the laptop.
One of the least disgusting images on the laptop.

Somehow the media agreed with the bogus documents saying it was some Russian plot. NPR made the biggest stink saying that the obviously phony laptop story was more or less beneath them to cover. It seems as if nobody bothered to go any further and never looked at the docs and vids. All proud j-school grads.

Only the New York Post covered the story with integrity and their reportage was banned by social media. The Trump team had to be beside itself as it was out maneuvered and out-flanked at every turn.

And this was beyond dirty tricks. It was a massive coordinated cover-up of a situation that involved Joe Biden in crimes against the state. And America's proud Intelligence community was apparently duped into becoming part of the coverup. What next?

Well, you can be certain that No Agenda will cover it better than any other source of news analysis you will find. This is thanks to your support. Keep it up!

Screenshot of NPR twitter feed where they c;laim Hunter Biden laptop story is unimportant and a waste of time.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

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Hypocrite of the Week
COVID Classic
Hypocrite Amy Siskind. First she says vaccines are not test and will kill us all. One year later (under Biden) promotes vaccine mandates.
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