Saturday, September 16, 2023

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo


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No Agenda Show 1591

Ukraine War Ending?
Dear Producer,

Donate to the show today. Click here and help. As the news cycle slowly bogs down with ratings killing stories such as the upcoming government shutdown (yawn) and continuous Biden is too old stories, your No Agenda Show digs deeper to find interesting deconstructions including important signaling by the Council on Foreign Relations cited below.

Everyone needs to become an Executive Producer of No Agenda for tomorrow's show. This is the one you want to be part of. Click here for that

This EP moniker is a great credit for any resume for anyone seeking any sort of employment. And it's genuine.

NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Medi
Meme contrasting the counter cultures of 1960 with 2023.
Tomorrow's Show

There are two major publications with similar names produced to analyze and sometimes signal foreign policy. These are Foreign Policy Magazine and Foreign Affairs Magazine.

Foreign Policy began as a 1970 project by a Harvard Professor to develop new thinking about the Viet Nam war and was eventually taken over by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace then later bought out by the Washington Post, which currently runs it indirectly. It tends to be newsy. It's published once a month.

Foreign Affairs, on the other hand, has been published by the Council on Foreign Relations since 1922 and appears every other month. If any one publication can be interpreted as the mouthpiece for the one-world government globalists, it's Foreign Affairs. This would be the publication with coded “hints” at what might be coming.

The influence of the Council of Foreign Relations may be exaggerated or not, but it is worth noting when they push out the article shown below indicating that the Ukraine War is getting old fast and the plug is about to be pulled. This should get your attention.

Screenshot of Foreign Affairs article on Ukraine.
Covid Origins

The media seems all over the story about the CIA supposed whistle blower complaining about how analysts within the agency were fudging research on Covid origins as if they were actually working on such an investigation and did not know immediately the entire Covid story from day one. Is this story supposed to make us believe that the CIA, of all agencies, was clueless and “had to look into it?”

But okay, they were writing reports on the possible origins and were “paid” to release a bogus report. The media lapped this story up (FOX probably more than anyone) and the public is supposed to believe this malarkey. If they were really honest they'd tell us how our own government is violating International sanctions against developing dangerous biological warfare weapons. I guess that would be too much to ask.

Photo of the entrance to Fort Detrick.
Biden Foibles

As you wait for the next major speech by President Biden, you will be amused by the rundown of Biden clips where he lies over and over about the “family business” of influence peddling, which is a good business to say the least. Enjoy. Click here.

Photo of Biden screaming about something.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
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The NEW 2023 donation to celebrate this new era. Click here for that.
And there is a weekly version of that too. Click here.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite Andrew Wortman first says ethat freedom of speech and the freedom of the press are sacrosanct then wants to ban Fox News and OANN.
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