Saturday, July 06, 2024

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo...


Decorative banner depicting fireworks.

No Agenda Show 1675

All Plots Against Biden Come from One Source
Dear Producer, 

This is the 4th of July Weekend, yet another moment in broadcasting where everyone and their sisters takes time off because they can and because they do not care that the news cycle is 24/7/365 like it or not. And this week is no exception with the phony-baloney 22 minute ABC interview with Joe Biden that accomplished little.

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NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Media.
No Agenda SHow 1675 Album Art.
Tomorrow's Analysis

The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) attack on Biden continues with a vengeance. You cannot be sure any news organization or even the Democratic Party itself has recognized it but it is obvious to No Agenda and its producers. This was made even clearer this last Friday with the miserable George Stephanopoulis (CFR member) quickie interview with Biden followed by a scathing analysis which included former head of the White House correspondents, Jonathan Karl, ripping Biden. Karl is also a CFR member and managed to make the interview sound worse than it already was. Does anyone see a pattern here?

Then to compound the attack, these same globalist media folk went on and on about how Mark Warner, the Senator from Virginia is putting together a team of Senators to confront Biden to tell him to quit the election. Warner, no coincidence, is also on the CFR along with Amy Klobuchar. This is more than a drinking club. If you want to spend an eye-opening afternoon read the roster of this organization, which is purposely open and hiding in plain sight. Nobody can accuse them of being secretive.

That said, the CFR may be doing the nation a favor by lockstep attack, but the organization which features all sorts of creeps and bad actors, is no friend of Trump. You have to let this play out, but Biden and his family will have to fight this and it will not be easy.

The question you have to ask is why this organization and other globalist factions were completely supportive of Biden despite his foibles, corruption, and ailments. What changed? And where was “Jacked Up Joe” during the ill-fated debate? Was Dr. Feel Good fired? Why?

You have to wonder what Biden or his crew did to so piss off the CFR stooges and the globalists in general. Was it a matter of polling or a slow fade? Was it the inability to get to full-time mail-in voting to keep the scammers in office?

Since these organizations such as the CFR turn out to be coordinated pressure groups that work as a powerful team, you have to wonder if it has anything to do with their globalist goals which seem to be in play with Biden, even as a puppet, working just fine. So what was it? Did it have to do with China? Russia? The only thing possible is the emergence of both a suddenly expanding BRICS and now the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). To even know about this second group you have to read banned news sources like Sputnik here.

These new and expanding groups are a direct threat to the Cecil Rhodes globalist world vision that is a big part of the CFR. Thus there is panic afoot and Biden is oblivious and getting blamed. While these folks do not like Trump, they know he can upset these new apple-carts by his nature. He's the tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

But Biden still has the fabulous Democrat machine behind him which can win any election by hook or crook, so he has to go and get replaced by Harris, a cackling rube nobody likes. That's the scheme.

Cartoon of Joe Biden is room of fire.
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And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
Cartoons for the Cubicle
Cartoon disparaging Founding Fathers.
Cartoon ridiculing Biden staff for taking him to Waffle House at midnight.
Cartoon mocking picking vegans during Christ era.
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John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite Andrew Wortman extols free press then asks to ban Fox News.
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