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Saturday, March 05, 2005
Adding RSS feeds to your new aggregation choose carefully
It has been well over 6 months since I reinstalled my operating system and I knew it was time when I was locked out of secure websites using any web browser and knowing that all ports were clear from any blockage. Approximately 25 hours later (no sleep of course), I managed to have my system smokin' one more time. Then came the time to update/reinstall my NEWSGATOR in to my OUTLOOK which was uneventful until I figured I would sign up for "lockergnome" stuff, only I selected the entire "lockergnome" category, not realizing that Chris Pirillo and his gang have pretty much marked every known page at their website as an RSS feed. Needless to say, after about 5 minutes, I had "auto" subscribed to everything known in Lockergnome.. Now I suggest if you are selecting stuff for your subscriptions, be aware that the list may be very long so choose wisely. As with any RSS feed, you usually bite off more then you can chew and have far too much information pouring in to actually find time to read, therefore choosing your feeds can be a little time consuming but well worth it, considering how easy it is to unsubscribe if you simple don't like it!