Besides having the off-site backup, you should be taking care of your computer on a local level with the creation of a disk image. If you have an external hard drive you can quite easily save this image to that device and so in the event of a major problem you can always restore the image. This is a lot faster then having to re-download the off-site backup as that is only saving your data. You would still have to first reinstall all of the programs and with the creation of the drive image, it simply restores your system to the way it was at the time you created the backup image. I currently use Paragon's Hard Drive Manager and highly suggest this program. With this you do not require an external drive as you can create a 'backup capsule' which is a hidden partition on your existing hard drive. Since most hard drives are very large these days, taking a portion of it to be used as this backup capsule is not a problem. Note however, if you ever had troubles with the hard drive, you may not be able to access this partition (in the case of a complete hard drive failure) this is why it is always important to have the off-site backup from BACKBLAZE.
FYI: PSG-233-PEE-PL-MUO-080025816
12-14-12: 5110E-7ADE0-830BA-7594D