Saturday, February 18, 2017

No Agenda-The Saturday Memo

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Dear Producer,
Tomorrow is the three day President’s Day holiday in the USA

In Alberta, Canada it is the Family Day holiday. These sorts of three day events always hurt the show in terms of contributions and we hope you think of us. Please contribute something – anything at all – by clicking here.

You may consider something around the President’s Day date like $220.17. That would be great.
Tomorrow’s Show will be filled with deconstruction of intrigue and the continual pounding of President Trump by the media. This is going to last as long as the Afghan war. I assume that even after he is out of office this will continue. So, get used to it.

You will notice that one of the things that the left-leaning media looks to be doing is targeting certain people within the administration they just do not like.
They’ve been taking it out on them using the most unflattering images you can imagine. These are created by light, angles, lucky catches and Photoshop.
The two current targets are Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon. Bannon is unattractive to begin with and made worse by his “care-less” attitude. It does not take much to make him look hellish.

Conway is 50 trying to look like she did when she was 30 and cute. She wears too much make-up one minute then not enough make up in key situations where she looks tired. Although you never know, and some of the pics of her are nightmarish as shown above from Trump-hating "Us" magazine. (Worse pic, ever).

The photos that got me interested in these attempts to persuade by photography are the following two
The top photo is from the New Yorker, no fan of Trump or Conway. Lit perfectly to exaggerate a haggard unflattering profile. This is a professional photographer who had two choices and could execute either. One, make her look as pretty as possible. Flatter her. Or, two, make her look as hellish as possible with lighting and angles. This is to satisfy the desires of the editors who handed out the assignment.

The bottom pic was in Politico, but also a Getty professional who both got lucky and managed to soften the whole shot while catching Conway with a homely frazzled look.
So I decided to take a neutral photo and attempt to twist a good shot to make her look sketchy with simple Photoshop filters. What I learned is what they teach you in class. Your best bad shots come from the field.
This is a neutral-lloking shot of her with make-up. Not horrible by any means.
Here I added auto-contrast and a sharpening filter to bring out any flaws through the make-up.
When I ran the find edges filter I knew I had something to work with.Or so I thought.
With some lighting effects and HDR toning I could make her look like this. This gave her a sunken eye look, but did not make her look totally like crap.
Before I was about to give up I ran the de-blur filter in reverse to mske a simple and crappy looking picture. With this pic and filters this is as far as I could get. It did open up her left eye to make her look nuts. I began to realize that her perky smile was the problem. All the ugly photos of her are with her not smiling. Remember kids, keep a smile on your face.
I was limiting my time to an amount of time a newsroom would give the photographer or editor to fool around. I decided to simply use the liquefy tool and nothing else to "fix" her features. By using various brush sizes I did the following. Move and droop her left eyeball slightly. Make her eyebrows more bushy. Give her a hook nose with flaring nostrils. Bugs bunny teeth. Lengthen earlobe. Break nose to ruin facial symmetry. Unfortunately now it does not look like her at all.. 
Realizing my limitations I turned to a pro, Bert Monroy, who I asked to use the same pic
Bert decided to just go in and carefully mess with the picture. She now has a John McCain look, dead eyes, moved eyebrows making her look old fashioned and at least a dozen tweaks -- none flattering. She might actually look like this someday.
I invite any Photoshop junkies to take a run at her pics. We will use the best in a future newsletter.

In the meantime help the show. Click here.
Your co-host,
John C. Dvorak
PS Checks are much appreciated and should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530
What can you tell from a high sschool pic?
Steve Bannon HS picture 1972
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