Wednesday, May 15, 2024

No Agenda Newsletter


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No Agenda Show 1660

Another Great Show Coming
Dear Producer, 

Post Mother's Day donations are down. Please help.

The value-for-value model of podcasting support has a more traditional name used in the past. It's called “fund raising.” It's done by charities, churches, civic groups, public broadcasting, news organizations (such as the Guardian), websites, archives, libraries, soup kitchens, food banks, museums, symphony orchestras and on and on.

In other words, contributing to something you use and which benefits the community is not an out-of-the-ordinary function. It's a part of the societal mechanism and everyone participates. Please get on board and help the No Agenda Show with a contribution for any amount whatsoever as everything helps. Click here. For those of you who need an alternative payment processor use Stripe and click here.

You can also become the valued Executive Producer for the classic $333.33 (or more). This is a legitimate forever credit you can use on your bio, profile and business card. It helps the show in a positive way and it is something you will be glad you didClick here for that.

Sending a check to PO Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530 is the best way, of course. There are various systems that will send checks for you too. Learn about these systems by clicking here. Non USA checks written in foreign currency are accepted.
NO AGENDA is Your True Independent Media.
Fake Babylon Bee headline about Bob Iger.
Tomorrow's Show

Weirdness seems to dominate the news as the criminal trial of Donald Trump continues unabated in NYC while the Hunter Biden criminal investigation continues on the other side of the country. The show has kept the Ukraine conflict off the radar as it looks more and more like a slow motion car wreck with not much to report. The real war action is in Africa which nobody seems to care much about. Nobody is sending F-35's over there to save the day, that's for sure.

The U.N. has reported that HAMAS may have been feeding the Western media inaccurate casualty numbers, perhaps off by 100-percent. It's shocking to hear the vested combatants in a conflict zone would lie to press about numbers. Even more shocking is how the press laps it up with no curiosity regarding the accuracy. Yes, shocking, shocking.

No Agenda Album art.
The San Francisco Experiment

Researchers have unearthed a $5 million yearly expense to give vodka shots to the homeless alcoholics in the city. It's been going on for years. The report on homeless shown here indicated that there are probably 8000 homeless in San Francisco and about half of them suffer from drug or alcohol abuse, according to the report. If that's a constant we can assume one half of that group are strung out on drugs leaving around 2000 alcoholics who could take advantage of the free drinks program.

Continuing to do the math on this program that means the city is spending $2500 per year on each homeless person for vodka. But let's assume that half of the $5 million is scammed by the program for “overhead” that leaves $2.5 million for vodka purchase to be doled out. Since decent multi-distilled vodka can be had for $15 a fifth that amounts to approximately 167,000 bottles of vodka for 2000 alcoholics or 83.5 bottles of vodka per person per year. This program is a joke, right? A scam? Can't this be better spent on rehab?

Not when you read the virtue signaling from the SF News media here and here where they crow about how fabulous the free booze idea is. Nobody does the math, either. And the local PBS/NPR affiliate can't seem to get any numbers right. A real eye-roller.

Photos of homeless in San Francissco.
The solution to this? Free booze!
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions. Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month.
 Click here for that.
It has superseded the once popular $11.11 month. More lucky numbers click here.
Most recently the show offered the $4 a week or 75-cents an hour subscription which has become very popular. Click here for that.
There is also the $50 a month Knighthood layaway for 20 months. Click here for that.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
Hilarious Memes. Pass them Around.
Boeing whitselblower lego kit.
Meme mocking dubsious suggestions about covering camera on laptop.
Meme compares computer bracelet with ear tag on sheep.
Help No Agenda
Your No Agenda show covers and analyzes news without interference. This is because the show is not owned by a large corporation nor beholden to advertisers and is solely supported by you. There are no creepy advertisers or corporate or communist influencers telling us what to cover and how to slant things.
John C. Dvorak
& Adam C. Curry

PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
Hypocrite of the Week
Hypocrite Alden Bunag for distributing child porn after saying it never happens.
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No Agenda Show
box 339
El Cerrito, CA 94530