Friday, September 06, 2013

When is the last time you checked your settings?

There are so many times I work on a various program and will get a pop up that an update is available. Once the update has been installed, you get a 'whats new' screen which is always great if you actually pay attention to it. But even if you do, you should be checking the preferences/settings of the program to see just what things you can set to your liking and change things that have annoyed you about the program. Believe it or not, as a program 'improves' by the update, not everyone may agree with these improvements in which case you can typically change these settings back to the way it used to work. That being said however, it is not a bad thing to give the new way a chance since in many cases the updated method helps save a few steps in the process of whatever it is you are working on. 
I like to think of the preferences/options/settings of any program as the table of contents of a book. You may actually learn something new about the program you never knew was possible!