Monday, May 19, 2014

Advertising is killing the Internet! {Rant}

With all this talk of 'net neutrality' and the need for a more speedy internet, the simple fact is that the advertising is killing it.

Is it just me or is it now almost impossible to get through any one news article through your news reader without the need to wait for the 'skip ad' to come up on the video you are stuck watching because, well, just text is apparently not good enough anymore. What is even more sad is the fact that the video you are waiting to watch ends  up being shorter than the time it took to get through part of the ad before you could click on 'skip', noting that this is not always the case and sometimes you have to watch the entire thing.

Personally I have started removing these sites from my Feedly Feed and also make a point of closing any tab that does open with video when I know I can read the news via a text written story from another site.

Don't get me wrong, I love video--spent 2/3rds of my life in the field of broadcasting but that doesn't mean I HAVE to watch every new feed through video, nor do I have to turn to the internet and youtube or netflix for every movie I want to watch but if that is what the internet of the future is going to be all about then it would make sense they built another 'highway' since 'information' is one thing and 'entertainment' is another!