Friday, May 16, 2014

Cloud Storage-Your Options

The Cloud is a pretty common term these days and so cloud storage is something that is in high demand. Google just recently lowered their rates which place their rates closer to what I was paying as a 'legacy user' since I got in on the $20/year for 80GB plan a few years ago. The closest rate they now offer is $1.99/month for 100GB which works out to $24 per 100GB per year. 

Adobe is also in the cloud business, as is ASUS with their cloud for data through their routers.. should you go for any of these, be very aware they may not last and you may find yourself having to export tonnes of data if they fail. Sticking with one place may not be best either. For example, using Flickr's free data is great for your photos but you may want to use Google Drive for your documents. For your entire computer backup you should use a true offsite backup option and I highly suggest BACKBLAZE.. Just click on the banner to get started!

With Google your storage is shared across:

Google Drive

Store files up to 1TB each. Anything you create with Docs, Sheets, or Slides won’t use up any of your storage.


Attachments sent and received in Gmail as well as your email messages use your storage.

Google+ Photos

Photos bigger than 2048x2048 pixels use your storage. Everything smaller than that is free.