Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Agenda-Dead Man Cuffed

Dead Man CuffedA picture named NA-620-Art-SM.jpg
Direct [link] to the mp3 file
Executive Producers: Sir Paul, Sir David Foley Arch Duke of Silicon Valley, Hyperware Technologies, Dwayne Parker, Sir Dallas Spongberg, Parker Snyder, Sir Gene Naftulyev Earl of Texas, Sir Dr. Sharkey, Anonymous, Ken Chevanu, Sir JD
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Nate Wilson, Dame Monica Lansing, Sir Andrew Largeman, Black Knight Scott Spenser, John Grumling, Christopher & Michelle Hollman, David K, Sir Ara Derderian, James Romano
620 Club Members: Sir Paul, Sir David Foley Arch Duke of Silicon Valley
619 Club Member: Hyperware Technologies
Become a member of the 621 Club, support the show here
Knighthoods: John Grumling -> Sir Ready Kilowatt, John Strege -> Sir Stregolicous
Titles: Sir Gene Naftulyev -> Earl of Texas, Sir Nate Wilson -> Baronet
Art By: MartinJJ
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