No Agenda Thursday Show
E-mail Issues Persist
Dear Producer,
No Agenda asks producers, especially newcomers who have never contributed to the show, to continue the August drive to stability with an August 1, 2015 contribution of $81.15 by clicking here. Sentimentalists can change that to $88.15 to celebrateJohn and Mimi’s 27th wedding anniversary. (Married 8-8-88!)
Mimi Dvorak just won her primary election yesterday to qualify for the general election in November for Port Angeles City Council. Everyone who listens to No Agenda should consider running for public office at any level. If everyone in government had the thinking ability of a No Agenda Producer, it would be a better run government with less corruption. |
Over the next few months producers can be on the lookout for references to “unicorns.” This apparently has been pushed as a notion used in finance as Andrew Horowitz mentioned on a recent DHUnpluuged. Last week, John and Adam witnessed head of the joint Chiefs, Dempsey, sing the Unicorn song for no apparent reason. And North Korea is in the news for supposedly discovering a Unicorn den or something like that. |
Mixed messaging. Cat with golden gun. Unicorn with red eyes. Flames spew from nostrils and rainbows. LSD anyone? |
So what’s going on here? Your No Agenda Show will be the first (and perhaps only) media outlet to figure this out.
This is the sort of screwball meme No Agenda spots early and deconstructs fast. This benefits you, the producer and supporter.
There is usually something underlying this sort of meme that is designed to fool the public and promote something orchestrated by a giant PR firm. For the pubic to be manipulated constantly by a media that was designed to inform and educate is disheartening as well as unhealthy. |
Only your No Agenda Show is dedicated to fight this abomination of public trust. Please continue to support these efforts in any way you can by contributing any amount you think is right. Every little bit does indeed help.Click here to help. |
Your co-hosts, John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Remember the Support Page here. And you can always send checks to Box 339, El Cerrito, CA 94530. Make checks payable to the No Agenda Show. |