Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Windows 10 Timeline Feature-Microsoft Spyware?

I was excited to learn about the new Windows 10 build which now has what Mac computers have had for many years and that would be TIMELINE which you can learn more from any number of websites by doing a quick search.

This great feature would allow you to go back to an earlier point in your day or week or up to 30 days so that sounds great.. the problem is you MUST sign in to your Microsoft Account in order to use this for the longer periods of time and this is simply because the data is posted to your account. Which also means Microsoft has a serious security issue on their hands since you can be sure this will be one of the first things that will be broken in to, leaving the computer wide open to serious security and privacy issues. 

You can learn more about this and other features from this Digital Trends post.

Since I am an avid Google products user, the fact that I use Google Docs for everything means each and every keystroke is backed up so the fact that something on my computer requires me to go back.. well, I'm not really too concerned.  Since Backblaze backs my data up and I can recover that for even longer than 30 days...although this new timeline feature would be nice, it certainly isn't worthy of being a slave to Microsoft. 

You can learn more about the Windows 10 Timeline and the security that goes with it from their Privacy Statement here. Then you can be the judge whether or not you wish to use it.
