Spook University Your No Agenda Show does its best to inform you of the schools and colleges developing the next generation of spies, spooks and “analysts” working for the so-called Intelligence “community” doing what it can to make sure its schemes go into practice by controlling the narrative. The nature of this sort of covert behind-the-scenes nature of its business requires avoidance of clumsy obviousity where anyone can look and say, “Oh brother, who are they kidding? Is this amateur hour? Thus was the case with the recent commencement speech by Vlod Zelenskyy (red flag), at Johns-Hopkins (red flag) introduced by Annie Applebaum (red flag). While done over video the speech was supposedly some major surprise to the hapless students. To make it worse it was broadcast over a cheesy video link and projected on a large screen. The subtext message was the same. “We need more American taxpayer money.” This was the eye-roller of the year and kind of a Memorial Day insult since Ukraine was on the side of the Nazi's in World War II. |