Tomorrow's Show There is another airline mishap to analyze, this time involving citizens on the ground. Coming so soon after the D.C. event you have assume it's a random number theory (“everything comes in threes”) naturally occurring situation meaning there may be more up ahead. And thanks to social media it will be thrown into a bin of speculation. Consider this, the Medivac Learjet had maybe 6 people on board. Bus crashes, when they happen kill more, so do bad car crashes. Of course there is no mushroom cloud or ring doorbell videos of other horrendous events. But do we need wall to wall TV news media coverage that may go on for five or six hours or days even. During this period news “reporters” have nothing to say except fill air time with speculation as the facts slowly leech out. “What have you heard,” “What do you know,” “What can you tell us” are the main questions from the various hosts along with, “We have an update,: “We just found out,” and the classic “What more do you know?” Then they bring out the “analysts” who do not really know what happened either. If there is any sort of video it is shown over and over and over, sometimes on a loop. To pad the coverage, the go-getters track down friends and families to hopefully get them to break down on camera. In fact these events have nothing to do with nor effect anyone but the immediately family, local law enforcement, various services and the immediate community. The other 99.9-percent of the country has nothing to do with it nor has any direct effect unless the incident creates yet another onerous law. This would include taking off your shoes at airports, elaborate screening theater, no liquids on board, car rental facilities moved offsite, etc. So something will come of this to make it appear that the authorities are just being careful. Let's see what is next. |