Friday, July 24, 2009

Health and Headaches=sleep!

I know I have blogged about how important ones health is and for myself, pretty much doing something technically related all the time I am awake is probably not going to help the health issues when that means cutting in to what is necessary for everyone and that is sleep... Typically I will start to get a headache if I am either tired or hungry and in both cases, I would deal with it, quite possibly taking a nap if I can, for a few hours... 

For the past 6 months I have been able to monitor my sleep by using a sleep app on my iPod touch and it is consistently low... I mean 2 hours below the average 8. I have attempted to work on this by getting more sleep (I thought) but then early Thursday morning I started to get what ended up being what I know was a serious migraine and after a hot bath, 2 extra strength Tylenol, then 2 more after the bath, I was able to sleep..and sleep I did.. waking up with what I would classify as a small headache still but knowing what I did have, it was much better.. only 1 hour awake, I felt it coming back, and so off to bed I went... well, now after a full 13 hour sleep session the pain has subsided... and for me 2 days worth of getting nothing done... but I quickly realize how that is where my all of these problems begin, with the attitude that I can go long periods of time without sleep may be true, but sooner or later it will catch up with you, if you don't also pay attention and get that right amount of sleep, you will be sorry.  So, now dealing with what I would have to say is the worst headache of my life, I recognize this importance. (why is it something bad has to happen before we realize these sorts of things?)...

Anyway if you were waiting for help from me, I do apologize and hope the last two days of what was obviously much needed rest, I will research a much healthier person.. but don't expect any long work sessions for the next while, as I am really going to make an effort to get that sleep average back in to human standards!