The last few shows have reflected the yearly summer slowdown insofar as your support is concerned. This fluctuation is always a concern and you are asked to consider a mid-summer contribution to the show. Ask yourself what you can really afford to keep the No Agenda Show going. It’s your show.
Many of you listen to alternative news shows and there are plenty. With very few exceptions they tend to be flippant about their analysis. Many are alarmist. None present a reasonable rationale when they analyze the news media its government messages.
Only No Agenda goes far beyond the simple analysis to find deeper connections that make sense of today’s sketchy news stories. No Agenda also offers you more alternative views to consider.
TV is not good
Above all, No Agenda gives you comforting peace of mind: sanity. To be successful in life you cannot go around with your brain scrambled by a world of news that makes no sense to you. And you cannot do well being scared out of your wits by non-existent goblins and ghosts. Consider how much better you feel about things after listening to No Agenda. You feel better.
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And think about this picture of the two supposed escapees from the Upstate New York prison. Regular No Agenda listeners will get a hoot out of the backgrounder now being floated . It is shot full of holes and illogical, as usual.
More important was this screen capture (which John was promising to put in a newsletter). It looks like something out of 1984 or a Ray Bradbury script. It’s so creepy that it does not need a lot of comment.
On tomorrow’s show this will be discussed as well as how Donald Trump seems to be running rings around the flat-footed media. Also more six week cycle news.
Your hosts,
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
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PPS The support page here loves visitors.