Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Want me to look at your computer problem?

I am asking that any and all of my existing clients begin to send along the page or 'copy' and 'paste' the IP address that your computer is currently using on the interne. You can do this the easiest by visiting my homepage and then clicking on the link that is displayed "Get your current IP Address Here
" If you click on the link from here, you will also see that it takes you to a specific web page with your current IP address. There are number of things you can do from this point. The easiest would be to click on the email icon from your browser and 'send page' to me. The other way would be to drag your mouse across the numbers so that they are all highlighted, then RIGHT click on this and choose COPY (or use CTRL-C) then open the new email message you are going to compose to me and PASTE (ctrl-v) this in to the body of the message, along with whatever it is you were having questions about.

Why do I ask for this? Because I am finding more and more, that the number I am receiving is either wrong, or I simply can't figure it out from 123456789 or 12/345/67/89. When it arrives with dashes or any other symbol instead of the period, it requires me to re-translate, just as I am sure you had to do by writing it from whatever you found on the website. In the translation, that is where things get lost.. By cutting out that translation, there should be no need for me to respond by asking for the IP address again.