Wednesday, February 06, 2019

No Agenda Newsletter

No Agenda Newsletter

Show 1110
State of the Winter

Hilarious Album Covers from Around the World
The Show is healthier with sustaining donations known as subscriptions.

Here are a few to choose from.
The favorite is the lucky $33.33 a month. Click here for that.
The new 2019 $20.19 subscription.A lucky here.
And, of course, there is the do-it yourself open donation which is always welcome.
Dear Producer,
Tomorrow’s show 1110  precedes the lucky 1111 Sunday Show. Insta-knights anyone?

This is a short month and you are encouraged to take out an S11.11 lucky subscription as your first support donation or on top of what you already do. Click here for that.

You can have more than one subscription to various programs. There are those who have advocated for an $11.11 weekly subscription to supplant the $4 a week subscription. This amounts to about $2 per hour of advertisement-free show. Is the show worth that much to you?

Or simply make up your own contribution by clicking here and helping with any amount whatsoever.
Did you know that it’s the United Nations that determines various “International days?” Or so it seems. Today for example is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. Eww. On Feb 11 it is International Day of girls and women in science. What appears to be a complete list is here.

The list tends to amount to nothing more than virtue-signaling. There is no International Citrus Day, for example.
Yet, somehow this Friday has been declared International Scotch Day. It is not on the United Nations list and you will  find no governing body to make this official. So it’s more than possible that your No Agenda Show can step in to referee over new International Days and become an alternative governing body with celebrations such as International Grapes are Healthy Day and such.

Ideas are welcome.
The Democrat women plus a few outliers wore all white dresses in an attempt to show that white dresses were unflattering and dumb. They succeeded. This pic looks like a group shot of a catering company.
Tomorrow’s show will cover the boring State of the Union speech (which was too long) and try to explain why the Patriots won the Superbowl from a geo-political perspective. And perhaps discuss the idiotic Washington Post $10.5 million Superbowl ad allowing very specific complaining by the media.

You’ll also get news analysis and world news not discussed by the corporate media not interested in serving you.
Bezos was roundly condemned for "wasting $10.5 million" on vanity Superbowl ad.
Hopefully this helps you understand what is really going on unlike what you are told by the mainstream corporate media. No Agenda does this better than any other news analysis show. 

Always remember that No Agenda is the only self-sustained advertising-free fully user supported podcast which can only survive with your continued support. The show and its contents and what is discussed cannot work without your help. So help today by clicking here.
John C. Dvorak & Adam Curry
PS Checks should be sent directly to the No Agenda Show, Box 339, El Cerrito CA 94530. Your support means everything.
New bad album covers. (Part One)
These covers are mostly International, where bad taste and bad judgement takes a new twist. There are a few gospel records in here too. Apparently illustrative art is unknown in the gospel community.
Call the wax museum, we found their exhibit!
Volume 3??
How is this a great idea for an album cover?
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